Press Release

PMS POW Press Release

The current ‘me too’ in India- Solidarity Statement

Fight to Demolish Feudal Patriarchal culture at workplaces and for Democratic Culture. In India, the “Me Too’ movement exposes that forcing law enactments are not enough-Movements alone can ensure implementation. Brave, angry outpourings from women journalists and women in the entertainment industry in Mumbai are reigning over headlines in India.  […]

PMS POW Press Release

Expose and Demand Action against State Complicity in Violence against Women! Fight Patriarchy and Institutions supporting these Values!

Friends, The last week has been horrific for women in India. Instances of different kinds of violence against women have all come to the fore simultaneously from different parts of India. In all of them either administrations or different wings of the state, especially the police have failed to act […]

CPI-ML New Democracy Democratic Rights Press Release

Rise in Protest against Fascist Attack on Progressives and Democratic Rights Activists

In a fascist attack all across India, RSS-BJP Central Govt. has arrested a large number of civil liberties and democratic rights activists. For this nefarious anti-people attack on the democratic rights, FIR lodged after Bhima Koregaon violence has been twisted. Central Govt. and Maharashtra Govt. led by RSS-BJP has shielded […]

CPI-ML New Democracy Press Release

Declare National Calamity in Kerala; Extend all help to Suffering People of Kerala; Central Govt. must shed its Apathy to the Sufferings of the People

People of Kerala are undergoing immense suffering due to heavy damage caused by incessant rains. Over a hundred have died. More than two lakhs have been forced to leave their homes and over one lakh are waiting to be rescued. Thousands of houses have been destroyed. Damage to property has […]

CPI-ML New Democracy Democratic Rights Press Release

Protest against Repression by TRS Govt. in Telengana, Invoking of PD Act against Com. Madhu

TRS Govt. in Telengana led by KCR has launched one of the most sinister attack against the people of Telengana particularly its tribals whom it is trying to dispossess of the land which they have been cultivating for decades, particularly podu lands. TRS Govt. is also crushing  the democratic rights […]