The tribal people of Niyamagiri has once again won a crucial battle against the multinational mining giant Vedanta by unanimously rejecting its proposed mining plan in Niyamagiri. From Serakapadi to Jarapa all the twelve Gramasabhas (Pallisabha in Odisha) have not only vehemently opposed mining but also unanimously made their claim […]
Recent Posts
Com. Paltu Sen (Amar Sen), President of the National Committee of IFTU died of a massive heart attack on July 30, 2013. Although suffering from severe diabetes, serious visual handicap and damaged kidneys, Com. Paltu Sen did not allow these to come in the way of his leadership of the revolutionary trade union […]
Homage to Com. Ram Naresh Tyagi
National Committee Treasurer of Indian Federation of Trade Unions and member of UP state committee of CPI(ML) New Democracy, Comrade Ram Naresh Tyagi died on July 28th at around 7.30 pm. He accidently slipped with his motor cycle while trying to save small children who ran on to the road after […]
Pratirodh Ka Swar, July 2013
3rd July, 2013 Protest demonstration at Mohaniya (Bihar) SDO office [scribd id=158200776 key=key-23cfdlh13z59z31oo0xf mode=scroll ]
Prajapandha 15th July, 2013
[scribd-doc doc=”154899564″ key=”1ke7vin6diwjnxuo89fu”]
Uttarakhand: Manmade tragedy, Govt. apathy and Call for help
The loss of human life and properties in the Uttarakhand flood/landslide disaster after heavy downpour for 3 days since June 16 is amongst the worst in its history. Call it heavy downpour or cloud burst, the cause of damage was manmade. It has resulted from uncontrolled human interference with nature’s […]
Bihar : Landless & poor peasants resist armed feudal-goonda attack
Kulhadia village of Durgawati thana, Kaimur district in Bihar is situated between the new four-lane highway (GT Road) and the grand chord railway line. A large portion of the land of the village was owned by Raghunath Singh a landlord of Benaras. In order to evade appropriation of the land […]
Pratirodh Ka Swar, May 2013
MAY DAY DEMONSTRATION by Textile Industry Workers, DHAKA (BANGLADESH) [scribd id=146004722 key=key-x81ncgckxe4zl8j0t2k mode=scroll]
CPI(ML)-New Democracy opposes Lower Suktel Dam
The CPI(ML)ND odisha provincial committee strongly condemns the brutal police repression and forcible construction of Lower Suktel dam in Bolangir district against the will of the local villagers. The large scale deployment of armed police in Lower Suktel agitation area and similar deployment in Govindpur area to suppress the common […]
On May 10th 1857, soldiers of the British Indian Army rebelled in Meerut and captured the Cantonment there. A day later the victorious soldiers triumphantly marched into Delhi. Their war was to liberate the country from the rule of British colonialists ruling under the aegis of East India Company. They proclaimed […]